Sunday, September 23, 2012

I Found Happiness at Walmart for $17.98

There are many kinds of happiness - long-lasting, fleeting, eternal, heart-warming, giddy - and just to be clear, the happiness I found at Walmart for $17.98 is the earth-bound, non-eternal kind. But, nonetheless, it filled me with giddiness and renewed my zest for life. What is the source of this happiness, you ask?

A label maker! My very own, personal, hand-held label maker! I know - I'm weird, and strange, and probably slightly crazy - but that's okay because my label maker says I'm wonderful. printed a sticker with w-o-n-d-e-r-f-u-l on it and I stuck it to my shirt. 

I've been working on getting more organized, but this purchase pushed me over the edge and I'm now in full-fledged organization mode. Sadly, I only had time to get to one project this afternoon, which I'll post about tomorrow, but I have great plans for the coming weeks!

So, watch out world! I've got a label maker, and I'm not afraid to use it!

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