Tuesday, July 31, 2012

If Will Power Is a Muscle, Then Mine Is Pretty Flabby

You know, when I was younger - aka in high school and college - I had amazing will power. I worked out at least twice a week. I gave up Coke. I gave up sugar. I had a set schedule that I stuck to religiously.

Fast forward a few years, and I now have next to no will power. Maybe it got packed away with my diploma and wedding dress - I don't know - but it's no where to be found! And, right now, I need it even more than I did ten years ago.

So, if you find any extra laying around, could you pass it on to me? Cause this girl needs to get up at 5:30 a.m. to run, eat healthier, lose 25 more pounds, clean her house, and stop spending money!

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