I'm slightly strange, so, yes, I've already starting reading homeschooling books, doing research on curriculum, and buying teaching supplies even though we've still got two and half years before preschool starts. And while I've been doing all of this, I've also been thinking about the reasons Daniel and I desire to homeschool. Some could argue that since I was homeschooled, it only makes sense that I would want to homeschool my own children. But, I wanted our decision to be based on more than just my childhood experience. I wanted our family - Daniel, Little Girl, and me - to have our own reasons for making this big, life-changing decision.
So, for the last several days I've been thinking, taking notes, and consulting with Daniel...and we now have our answer to the question I'm sure we'll be hearing quite a bit - "Why do you want to homeschool?"
Here it is:
- Our Faith - Based on Proverbs 22:6, "Train up a child in the way he/she should go...", we believe that God has entrusted us to do just that. Many of the influences they would encounter in public school - lack of prayer, no teaching on morals, absence of God, evolution taught as truth, liberal sex ed. - would not be pointing them in the right direction.
- Academic Excellence - Homeschooling will allow our children to move at their own pace, not at a too fast or too slow pace set by a teacher, school administer, or the slowest child in the class. Since I will be teaching such a small number of children, 1-3, and will already know their strengths, weaknesses, likes, and dislikes, I will be able to match the curriculum with their individual learning styles, giving them the opportunity to maximize their education. Also, since teaching a few takes much less time than teaching 30, there will be time for them to focus on logic and critical thinking, and not just trying to master basic math and reading.
- Real Life Education - Based on what we've seen with children who attend a traditional school for 7+ hours a day, we don't believe they are being prepared for the real world. Where in the grown-up world do only people born within the same year work together? We want our children to be able to communicate and interact with people of all ages, from people their parents' age to much younger children. Plus, we want the opposite of what public schools teach children - we want our little ones to stand out, not fit in. After all, isn't that what Christians are called to do - stand as lights in a sea of darkness and be in the world but not of it? Plus, last I checked, professors and employers are looking for students and employees who are different, who stand out from the crowd, and don't fit the status quo.
- Best for Our Family - Daniel and I firmly believe that the best teachers for Little Girl and any future children we have are us, the parents. And where else could you find a teacher who has dreamed her whole life of teaching certain children. Being a homeschool mom has been my dream - my calling - since I can remember. My heart's desire is to be the one who teaches my child to read, to be sitting next to my child when they realize they can add, and to watch as Daniel helps them with science labs at the kitchen table in the evenings.
Hopefully all that makes sense - it is harder than I thought it would be to put it into words. I'm sure as we go along, Daniel and I will refine it, but it does give you a good little glimpse into our hearts and desires for the children God blesses us with.
You don't have to agree with these reasons, however they are what God has led Daniel and me to. If you're unfamiliar with homeschooling, I'd love to attempt to answer any questions you have. And, if you're first thought is "I'd like to homeschool, but I'm worried about socialization," you need to check out this book -
The Well-Adjusted Child by Rachel Gathercole.